not be upset by calamities, instead take them as acts of Grace. If
someone loses a hand in an accident, that person must believe that it
was the Lord’s Grace that saved his or her life. When you believe that
nothing can happen without His resolve, you will realize that
everything that occurs in your life, has a value added to it. You may
be neglecting a creeper in your backyard, but if a sage passes by and
says that it is a rare drug that can cure one from snake bite, you will
erect a fence around it and not allow children to pluck its leaves
even for fun, is it not? Understand thoroughly that the Lord is the
cause, the source of all. And with this knowledge, deal with everyone
in a humble and reverent manner. This is the path that will lead you
quickly to the goal.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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