1.The heart contains the precious treasure of bliss (Ananda) but people do not know the key to open the lock! The key to open the door to bliss is Namasmarana
- repetition of the Name of the Lord with a pure heart. Purify the
heart with the instruments of Truth, Right Conduct, Peace and Love (Sathya, Dharma, Shanth, Prema).
Always endeavour to do good to others, to think well and speak well of
them. This practice will wear away your egoism, and attachment to
things that cater to your pleasures. Do not behave like birds and
beasts, ever engaged in earning a living or rearing a family. Struggle
for higher and nobler goals using the talents with which you are
2. The scriptures teach, 'Maathru devo bhava',
meaning ‘Revere your Mother as God’. You must revere your mother, who
has brought you up with love, care and sacrifice. However famous one
may be, if one does not honour their mother, they do not deserve
respect. A person whose heart is so hard that it does not melt at the
pleadings of the mother, deserves nothing but ridicule. This feeling of
love and respect should also apply to the country which gave birth to
you. You must hold your country in high esteem and follow its culture.
Revere your own mother-tongue and learn to use it well. At the same
time, you should not develop dislike or hatred against other languages
or countries. Make yourselves a fit instrument to protect, love and
care for your mother and motherland.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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