
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Thought for the Day

The first step in Self-Enquiry (Athma Vichara) is the practice of the truth that whatever gives you pain, gives pain to others and whatever gives you joy, gives joy to others. So do unto others as you would like them do unto you; desist from any act in relation to others, which, if done by them will cause you pain. Thus, a kind of reciprocal relationship will grow between you and others and gradually you reach the stage when your heart thrills with joy when others are joyful and shudders in pain when others are sad. This is not the kind of affection towards those who are dear to you or those who are your kith and kin. This sharing of joy and grief is automatic, immediate, and universal. It is a sign of great spiritual advance, the wave knows that it is part of the ocean; all the waves are but temporary manifestations of the sea and with the same taste of the ocean itself.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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