
Saturday, October 4, 2014

All are God's children. Hence all of you should live as embodiments of Love and like brothers and sisters, loving and serving. People keep a distance as long as they do not understand the power of love. Once they understand and experience love, they will become one. You will be able to realise this truth sooner or later. When a plant bears flowers, not all the flowers blossom at the same time. Some are in the process of blossoming, some are fully blossomed, yet others will be only in the bud stage. Only the fully bloomed flower spreads its fragrance. Similarly people will also be in different stages of evolution - some are like the bud; some are at a blossoming stage; and some others are like the fully bloomed flower, spreading their fragrance. Wait patiently till the stage of fragrance arrives.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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