
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Thought for the Day

The Himalayas or ‘Himachala’ forms the Northern boundary of India. ‘Hima’ means ice. It is white in colour and melts easily. Whiteness symbolizes purity. ‘Achala’ means that which is steady. Your heart should also be like the Himachala - pure, steady and which melts with compassion. God resides in each and every heart that is pure, steady and full of compassion. But today, many hearts have lost these noble qualities due to limitless desires. Life is a long journey and your desire is the luggage. The journey of your life will become enjoyable only when you reduce the luggage of desires. Less luggage, more comfort makes travel a pleasure! The Gita teaches that you should offer everything to God (Sarva Karma, Bhagavadh Preethyartham). You must perform every single action with the only goal to please God. This is the easiest and most effective way to be free from all difficulties and hardships.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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