
Thursday, April 9, 2015

The right angle to approach a difficult problem is the 'try-angle'

People want to get all they desire and get disillusioned or disappointed when their desires don’t materialise. You cannot always have pleasure. Pleasure is an interval between two periods of pain. They are like sunshine and shadow. Accept both with equanimity. Sandalwood gives more and more fragrance when it is subjected to more and more grinding. Sugarcane yields tasty juice when it is nicely crushed. Gold gets purer and refined when it is burnt and melted in fire. So also a true devotee will never falter in their love for God even when faced with troubles and obstacles in their life. God tests His devotees only to lift them up to a higher level in the spiritual ladder. True devotees lead sacred lives which gets sanctified when they face obstacles and problems with full faith in the Divine.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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