
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Thought for the Day

Difficulties, troubles and worries come in the natural course as a consequence of past actions. Human birth is the result of Karma(past actions); there can be no escape from its consequences. As is your action, so is the reaction. When you stand before a mirror and offer salutation, your salutation gets reflected to you. If you address harsh words to the mirror, the harshness again comes back in the same manner. It is evident that the fruits of our actions are determined by the nature of our actions. Man is an image of God. 'God appears in human form (Daivam maanusha rupena)'declares the scriptures. God does not come down as Avatar to relieve specific individuals of their troubles and sorrow, and to confer joy and happiness on them. God takes a human form from time to time to show humanity how human lives can be divinised.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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