
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Thought for the Day

By carrying a bundle of sandalwood, can a donkey become an elephant? The donkey will sense the difference in weight but not the scent! On the other hand, the elephant disregards the weight and inhales the sweet scent. So too, the spiritual aspirant, or devotee will take in only the pure truth, the pure essence of good activities, of godliness and scriptures. On the other hand, one who goes on arguing for the sake of mere scholarship, learning, and disputation will know only the weight of logic, missing the scent of truth! Love (prema) is the most effective instrument for constantly remembering the Lord. Keeping that instrument safe and strong needs the power of discrimination (Viveka). Many in the world utilize their vast learning in disputation to prove their superiority; this is a great mistake. If they really were so learned, they would silently experience the core, the pure Divine.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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