
Friday, June 5, 2015

Thought for the Day

Yama (Lord of Death) is as omnipresent as Siva! Yama is associated with the body (deha); He cannot affect the individual soul (jiva). The body is the essential vehicle for the individual soul to understand its real nature. Still, who knows when it may become the target for the attention of Yama, the master of the body? Who knows when this body will get entrapped in the coils of Yama’s ropes? The individual soul, burdened with this easily destructible body, must pay attention to this fact and be all-eager to merge in Siva! People usually procrastinate tasks - yesterday’s tasks are delayed to today and today’s tasks to tomorrow. But the tasks of spiritual discipline are not of such a nature. The minute that just elapsed is beyond your grasp; so too, the approaching minute is not yours! Only that individual soul which has this understanding engraved in its heart can merge in Siva.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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