
Saturday, September 19, 2015

If you close your mouth and open your hearts, you will experience divine bliss

God is infinite. It is impossible to measure Him or compare Him with anything, for there is no ‘other’ to compare. He is omnipresent. The Vedas declare, “He is One alone without a second“ (Ekam eva Advitiyam). The Divine willed: “I am One; I shall become many”(Ekoham Bahusyaam). By His Will God manifested Himself in the many. All religions have accepted this truth. The Bible declares: "God created man in His own image." Thus from the One, the manifold cosmos emerged. With the growth of knowledge, the animal nature in man has diminished and he has been able to develop and refine his culture. As the saying goes, Divine appears in human form (Daivam maanusha rupena). Hence do not consider yourself as a mere product of Nature, a creature of the senses and the physical elements. You are an embodiment of Divinity.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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