
Sunday, September 6, 2015

Thought for the Day

The heart must yearn for His voice, His form, His flute, His smile, His sport and His pranks. That is the tapas(penance) which is rewarded by His grace. The yearning must be so deep that all body consciousness is lost, the senses are ineffective, and the mind is inactive, the intelligence is at a standstill, and all ideas of duality disappear. The individual sees before him only step after step of Aananda leading him to the highest bliss of merging in the Lord. The culture of Bharath has marked out the guidelines for achieving this bliss. This bliss is the consummation of all sweetness, all the joy, and all the fulfilment derived from all the highest desires. But yet man is struggling to achieve petty things, paltry joys and low desires. When you seek God, you must not be misled into by-paths and mirages. The seeker after gold must cast away brass and other yellow metals which may distract or at times even destroy him.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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