
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Every good student is an offering that every good teacher makes to the nation.

My dear students, the culture of Bharat is sublime, splendorous, sacred, and divine. It can fulfill all your high desires and quench your deepest thirst. First translate this awareness into actual practice and enshrine the experience in your hearts. Then share the joy of that experience with others. Never allow your minds to get agitated with limitless desires. You must render your homes bright by pleasing your parents. If you cause grief to them your entire life will be soaked in grief and your children, in turn, are sure to sink you in sorrow. Never be arrogant towards your parents just because you earned a degree. "Consider the Mother as God; consider the Father as God; consider the Teacher as God; consider the Guest as God." Follow this fourfold exhortation with full faith in its validity, derive bliss (Ananda) therefrom and inspire others by your example, so that the Motherland may progress and prosper. Fulfil this desire of Mine, with My blessings.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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