
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Thought for the Day

It is not easy for the human mind, immersed in worldly concerns to turn to God. It is only when the mind is transformed and brought under the control of the Soul (Atma) that the body experiences Divine Bliss(Ananda). The means by which the mind is transformed is devotion (Bhakthi - intense love for God). Progressively, turn your mind towards God until it merges in God. Meditation, repetition of the names of the Lord, group singing of devotional songs (bhajans), reading of scriptures and other such activities are designed only to purify the mind so that it can concentrate on God. As a field has to be properly ploughed and prepared for sowing so as to reap a good harvest, the field of our heart has to be rendered pure and sacred through good and holy actions and spiritual discipline (sadhana) if it is to yield the fruit of Divine Wisdom.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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