Arms and bombs cannot save the world. God’s Grace alone can save the world. Hence your foremost duty is to pray for His grace. Prayer is supremely important and this awareness is needed in your daily living, at every step. Never forget that nothing is as powerful as the Lord’s Name to protect you. When you sing alone, your heart is merged in the song. When many sing together, the prayer acquires a divine power. Hence Guru Nanak commended community singing. With melody and rhythm, you must impart feeling to your song to make the bhajan a sacred offering. A tune (raga) without feeling(bhava) is a disease (roga). Giving up conceit and exhibitionism, sing bhajans in a spirit of humility and devotion, with the full awareness of the power of the Lord’s Name. This is the right way to do bhajans. When all participants sing in unison, sacred vibrations are produced, and the divine energies released fill the whole universe.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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