Embodiments of Love, consider for a moment, where from the rain comes. It comes from the clouds. Clouds come from water vapour, rising from the sea. Rain water becomes a channel on the earth, changes itself into a rivulet and merges into a big river, and finally reaches the sea as its destination. A pot made out of clay when broken, is cast on the ground, and in course of time, becomes clay again. Water from the sea joins the sea, clay from the earth, goes back to earth again, but why does a human being alone forget the source He came from? The only besetting evil in human being is the sense of ‘mine’ (Mamakara), the acquisitive and possessive feeling. This is the root-cause for all other evils. You must remember that you are truly divine. You inhale and exhale 21,600 times – it is a natural reminder of the message of ‘SO-HAM’ (I am God) which is the truth about your divine reality.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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