
Sunday, October 16, 2016

Thought for the Day

Each one of you have your own strength and weakness, foibles and fears, skills and handicaps, so, no one prescription can be suggested for all. You must proceed from where you are presently, at your own pace, according to your own inner light. But, as long as one has caught a glimpse of the Atmic Reality, of the source from which one has emerged and the goal into which one is to merge, the goal of the journey will be reached sooner or later. The fascination for the body and the senses which dominate it, and the world which feeds the senses as well as the enchantment for the vainglorious adventures in search of fame and fortune - all this will become meaningless and fade away once you receive a glimpse of that Atmic Reality either through grace or through a Guru or through some other means. One will then have instead of deha-bhranti (body attachment) which now torments him, the yearning to know and be established in the Dehi, the Divine Indweller.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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