
Friday, January 20, 2017

Thought for the Day

The tree of life must be watered at the roots. Instead, in the present times, those who plan to raise the standard of living are watering the branches, the leaves and the blossoms! Virtues are your roots. You must foster them, so that the flowers of actions, words and thoughts may bloom in fragrance and yield the fruits of service (seva), full of the sweet juice of joy and bliss (Ananda). Planning for food, clothing and shelter is only promoting the wellbeing of the cart; you must also plan for the horse, the mind of the man, which has to use all the expensive food, the beautiful clothing and the wonderful shelter and other material possessions you acquire. Train your mind, for the high and noble purpose of escaping from the ego into the Universal. Regulations must come from within, not from external sources. You must control yourself through your own innate strength.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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