It is indeed a pity that people are choosing not to eat the most nourishing fruit from the garden of Nature. People are climbing the wrong tree and seeking to pluck the wrong fruits, so their appetite is ruined, their taste is vulgarised and their health is destroyed. Only the glory of the Lord can satisfy the hunger of a person, for that person is part of that glory. You can win the Grace of the Lord only by practising righteousness. Righteousness naturally induces the spirit of self-surrender and assiduously cultivates it. With the training that the practice of right conduct (dharma) gives to your senses, your feelings and emotions, you can have steady faith and steady detachment. The Lord is Dharma conceived as a personality. Lord Rama indeed was known as ‘Vigrahavan Dharma’, Righteousness Personified. If you step outside the bounds of righteousness and play foul, you will never win the game of life!
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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