
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thought for the Day

You have listened to hours of spiritual discourses and you spend days and nights in spiritual practices. Have you taken any concrete efforts to sublimate your life? Endeavour to lead an ideal life. If there is no change for the better in your daily conduct, remember that all your so-called spiritual practices will be futile! People claim to spend hours in prayer and meditation. But of what use is it if there is no concentration of mind? It is better if you engage yourself in doing your regular duties or render social service or participate in bhajans. By these means try to bring the mind under control. Then your work will be transformed into worship. Dedicate all your thoughts and actions to God. You can purify your actions when you do everything with the only goal to please God (Sarva Karma Bhagavad preethyartham). If you want to experience God, you have to do it through your duties and actions. This is not so easy!

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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