
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Thought for the day

Samskriti, the word for culture, is derived from the word,samskaraSamskara is the dual process of removing the dust and dirt of vices and the planting of virtues. Know that envy is the stickiest dirt! You must be happy when others are happy. Rama is said to have been happy when others were happy; the Ramayana says that He was then as happy as if the event that made the other person happy had happened to Him. That is the true test. Krishna speaks of Arjuna as envy-less (An-asuya). What a great compliment! Therefore, He proposed to teach him the mysteries of spiritual discipline. Sathyabama is infamous in many stories because of her jealousy; in every instance Krishna attempts to put down this vice and teach her humility. Have Love towards the Lord, but do not become depressed with envy when others also love Him or get attached to Him.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba 

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