
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Thought for the Day

Broadening your heart and making it bigger and bigger, you should make it as big as God Himself. A balloon, in its initial stage, is tiny. If you go on blowing air into it, it becomes bigger and bigger and later explodes. Though beginning with the ideas of 'I' and 'mine', if you ultimately move on to the place that, "all are mine and all are one”, gradually you will become broader in your vision, and then you burst and merge into God who is omnipresent. You should recognise the truth that your life should consist of making the journey from the position of 'I' to the position of 'We'. If all the time you simply stay in the place of 'I', you will remain where you are. This creation is like the bridge which connects man with God. 'I' is one hill. 'God' is another hill. The bridge between the two is the aspect of creation. If you break and destroy the bridge, you can never reach the destination. I am hoping that you plunge into society and do service, and thereby use the bridge to reach God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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