
Monday, October 30, 2017

Thought for the Day

The deha, the body is but an instrument to realise the Dehi or the Indweller. Realising your oneness with the Dehi must be your deeksha or steady pursuit. And this pursuit must express itself in actual practice as discipline and training of the senses (Nishtha and Sikshana). Water and fire individually cannot move a train; they must both cooperate to produce a third thing - steam. The steam moves the engine forward. Kerosene and air must both unite to form the gas which ignites in the petromax lamp to give light. Yoga is explained as chitta vritti nirodha - the curbing of mental agitations. It also means the Union which is possible when mental agitations are curbed and equanimity is achieved. Devotion, wisdom or action (Bhakti, Jnana or Karma), must all lead to the achievement of equanimity; otherwise, they are simply a sham. The curbing of the mind will take you to the winning post.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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