The worst action you can perform is to do the opposite of what you preach - to deny by the hand what you dole out of your mouth. If you cannot live up to your declarations, keep quiet; do not go about advising because otherwise what you are really doing is that you are self-advertising that you are a hypocrite. Do not preach dharma (virtue) while decrying it in deed. Dharma is steady, unchanging; it can never decline. What happens is: those who have to practise dharma decline in faith and steadfastness. Every individual is judged by practice, not by the precepts that they pour forth. The seed grows slowly into a huge spreading tree; so, too, through tiny acts, soft words and kind deeds, man elevates himself into a Divine Being!
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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