You might have heard some people say that I became Sai Baba when a scorpion stung Me! Well, I challenge anyone of you to get stung by scorpions and transform into Sai Baba. No, the scorpion had nothing to do with it! In fact, there was no scorpion at all! I came in response to the prayers of sages, saints, and spiritual aspirants for the restoration ofdharma. When there is a sign of a little unrest, the police constable appears on the scene; if the mob gets unruly, the Inspector rushes in; and if it becomes violent, the Superintendent of Police has to be personally present on the scene to quell it. If, however, the situation waxes hot, the Inspector General (IG) has to make himself available, is it not? This is a situation in which the IG is taking over all charge of the situation. The sages, savants, saints, yogis and divine personalities have had their try, and they will all be cooperating in the task of reestablishing righteousness and clearing the path for the world to attain absolute peace.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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