
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Unwavering faith is a sign of spiritual success

Guru Poornima is sacred for many reasons: the seeker who suffers from the delusion that the objective world is as real as themselves are guided into Truth. This day, those who never felt the urge to explore the Reality are inspired to seek the spring of bliss inside them. This day, pilgrims to the Lotus Feet of God, study the guide books of life. This day, disciples offer gratitude at the feet of the preceptor for the gift of light. When the Sun rises, the world is blessed with heat and light. When the Guru blesses, the pupil gets peace and joy! Remember, Guru Poornima is not a date marked in the calendar that is finished when the day is over! Know that whenever your mind, with the presiding deity of Moon, is full (Poorna), it receives Guru’s cool refreshing rays of grace! Train your mind to derive illumination from the intellect, and not from the deluding forces of the senses.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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