
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

You must make your mother happy.

You must make your mother happy. When you cannot make your mother happy, how can you be peaceful? It is meaningless to worship God without revering one's own parents. Hence first offer worship to your mother as she is the one who has given you birth. Only if the mother's heart is nectarous will the whole world be nectarous. Lord Rama's divinity blossomed under the loving care of Kausalya. As He was born from the womb of Kausalya, He got the qualities of Kausalya. That is why He is worshipped as God. Shivaji could do so much sacrifice for the country because he was born to the pure lady, Jijabai. It is because of the nobility of the mother that the children attain good fortune. So, embodiments of love! There is nothing beyond love. Only love is the mainspring of all your good fortune. You should therefore adore and worship the mother who is the embodiment of love. 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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