
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Thought for the Day

The effulgent Sun can be seen only with his own light. Similarly, only through the grace of God can you obtain a vision of the Divine. No skill, intellectual effort or scholarship is required to experience God. Just as clouds may obscure the Sun, the clouds of egoism, attachment and hatred prevent one from seeing the Divine. Prayer and sadhana are the means by which these clouds are dispersed. Sadhana is the royal road to reach the Divine. The human make-up is a mixture of good and bad traits. One in whom the good traits predominate, tends to see only the good in others. Those who have equal-mindedness see the good and bad qualities impartially. It is necessary therefore to cultivate good qualities. The world must be viewed as the reflected image of the Divine. All acts must be done as an offering to the Divine.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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