
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thought for the Day

It is easy to give up sadhana; it is a task to stick to it. But there is no use climbing just one step; ascend higher and higher, into the purer air. Climb until you see the hills and valleys as one flatness, all the ups and downs as of no concern. You talk as if you have surrendered everything; but when you lose a pen, you report to the police station and rely on the police to recover it for you! You are a hero, a lion in the forest of the world, only when you neither exult nor droop, when good fortune or bad assails you. In order to develop and grow in spiritual practices, you must reduce your wants and discard your wishes. See everything as a disinterested witness; do not plunge and get entangled. When the shackles are loosened, you will feel happy and light. Travel light, even in the journey of life.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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