
Monday, September 30, 2024

What are the goals of human life and what is the best approach to attain them?

 There are four goals in life - dharma (righteous living), artha (material well-being), kama (achievement of desires), and moksha (ultimate liberation). These four can be grouped in pairs. While artha and kama thrive in modern times, dharma and moksha have almost disappeared. Modern man craves for wealth and sensual pleasures and neglects righteousness and salvation. Since dharma and moksha are like the feet and the head of a body, man today seems to be existing without these two essential organs. These four values of life should instead be grouped as dharma-artha and kama-moksha. In other words, wealth should be acquired for the sake of righteous living, and man should aspire only for liberation. Only such a judicious combination of these four goals shall enable man to find fulfilment in life.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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