Our body itself may be called a Dharmakshetra. For, when a child is born, it is pure and without blemish. It is not a victim yet of any of the six 'enemies of man' - anger, greed, lust, egotism, pride and jealousy. It is always happy. It cries only when hungry. Whoever fondles, king or commoner, saint or thief, the child is happy. The child's body is not affected by any of the three gunas (innate qualities) and is a Dharmakshetra. As the body grows, it begins collecting qualities such as jealousy, hatred and attachment. When these evil tendencies develop the body becomes a 'Kurukshetra’. The battle between the Pandavas and the Kauravas did not last more than 18 days, but the war between good and bad qualities in us is waged all through life. Rajo guna and tamo guna (qualities of passion and inertia) are associated with the ego and the sense of 'mine’. The word ‘Pandava’ itself stands for purity and satwik nature. ‘Pandu’ means whiteness and purity. The children of Pandu, the five Pandavas, were pure. The war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas signifies the inner war in each of us - the war of Satwa guna against the other two gunas, rajas and tamas.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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