
Monday, December 19, 2011

Dwell always on noble thoughts

Dwell always on noble thoughts. Develop attachment towards the Universal Lord and you will grow in love and splendour. The Lord is neither benignant nor malignant. He reflects to you, your own spiritual progress as Grace. Cultivate love towards Him. Likes and dislikes are truly the products of habit and training. The senses drag you away from Him, but do not yield; they will lie low soon. Sincere yearning born of steady discrimination alone can help you. The Divine wants the cream of virtue that is kept in the pot of your heart. This cream is the Soul (Atma), which is secured after vigorous churning. Offer to your Beloved Lord the fragrance of your virtues, the courage of your heart and the wisdom of your experience. That is what the Lord really wants. I bless you that you may grow in these from day to day.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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