
Thursday, December 8, 2011

For whom was the Geetha delivered?

1.Many in this world, even among the learned, do not spend their allotted span of life in the pursuit of the chosen ideals. Hence their earthly lives are like the voyage of a storm-tossed ship that has lost both its anchor and its compass, and is caught in mid-ocean. They are torn between opposing ideals and goals; in their ignorance and fear they say one thing and do another. Meditation will give such people fixity of purpose, courage, and also wisdom. It stills the agitated mind, makes it clear and fills it with joy. The path of meditation will destroy ignorance and grant the individual union with God.

2.For whom was the Geetha delivered? Just think of this for a moment. Milk is not drawn from the cow’s udder for its own sake, for cows do not drink their own milk; Arjuna, the calf, has had his fill and Krishna needs nothing! The Lord Himself clarifies: He milked the Upanishads and brought out the Geetha for the "Sudhee-jana", those who possess intelligence (Su-dhee) that is moderated by goodness and controlled by virtue. But when does one become worthy of receiving the lessons of the Geetha? Rather than exult over your excellence, search for your own faults with the desire of removing them. You will then progress fast without being dragged behind by fear or anxiety. When you move on thus, placing all your burdens on the Lord and with faith in him, you will reach a state of mental calm, which is the sign o f a true aspirant. Arjuna arrived at this stage and then Krishna gave him the teaching that confers immortality.

3.Riches and wealth are short-lived; office and authority are temporary; life-breath is a flickering flame in the wind. Youth is a three-day fair and pleasures and fortunes are bundles of sorrow. Knowing this, if you devote this limited term of life to the service of the Lord, then you are indeed blessed. Seek refuge at the Lord’s feet early on. Everything is untrue, impermanent and akin to castles in the air. Contemplate on this truth, approach God and glorify Him; that alone confers permanent joy. Inside the room called body, in the safe called the heart, the precious gem of wisdom (jnaana) exists. Four wily thieves - lust, anger, greed and envy (kaama, krodha, lobha and asuuya) are lying in wait to rob it. Awaken to this danger before it is too late. Reinforce yourself with the support of the Universal Guardian, the Lord, and keep the gem intact. That will make you rich in love (prema), and peace (shanthi).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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