
Friday, December 2, 2011

Thought for the Day

1.The power of the divine name is unparalleled. People often take it lightly; that is a mistake. God's name is the real diamond - 'Die mind'. Keep it safe and secure. Whoever does namasmarana, (Repetition of God’s Name) whatever be the name they take and wherever they are, their life will be sanctified and they will be free from sin. Do not be too concerned about the tune and rhythm (raga and thala). Chant the divine name wholeheartedly and with complete faith. Faith develops love for God. Namasankirtan (singing of God's name) when done with absolute concentration and steady faith like a yogi, will help achieve great transformation. Fix your mind steadily on the divine name and attain bliss.

2.Do not worry about the unsatisfactory environment you may be in. Of course, sometimes the place you are in may have drawbacks and may not be ideal. But it is of no use trying to run away from it. You can overcome any obstacle by training your own mind. Stay in your environment and pray to the Lord that He may fill you with His thoughts and vision, enabling you to ignore the defects of your surroundings. Do not seek comfort, for it might not be conducive to meditation. Learn to be comfortable in any place; that is better. Live in joy wherever you are for that is the way. Revel in the realm of your mind, worship there the Lord you have chosen as your goal and be free of all the defects of your natural or human environment! Then no spot will be irksome to you, nor will any place seem disgusting.

3.This day you have resolved to imbibe Divine Bliss by reciting the glory of God in chorus and with music, continuously for twenty-four hours (Akhanda Bhajan). This programme will yield good results. For in this busy age of fear and anxiety, the remembrance of God and the repetition of His name is the single means of liberation that is accessible to all. Bhajan (devotional singing in a group) is more important than even bhojan (food). Bhajan is a good disciplinary process by which desire and anger can be kept away. This daylong bhajan will generate divine vibrations and purify. I bless those who breathe this vibration to be healthier and more upright in their behaviour. Be united in remembering God and encourage one another as you proceed along the path; then success is assured.

4.Consider the place and situation in which the Geetha was delivered; therein lies the significance of this discourse. On one side were the forces of good (Dharma) and on the other, that of evil (adharma); caught between these two, and unable to decide which course to adopt, Arjuna weeps in despair. This was not just his dilemma; it is a universal human problem. Arjuna did not seek from Krishna the pleasing, worldly glory of power, status and wealth (Preyas) – he sought the lasting glory of full joy (Sreyas). Arjuna said to Krishna, "Preyas can be won by human activity or Karma. Why should I crave from You what I can win by my own endeavour? Grant me Sreyas, for it is not the fruit of action (Karma), but the fruit of grace!" Thus the lord gave the Geetha for all those who li ke Arjuna rise to the height of absolute self-surrender (Prapaththi or Saranagathi).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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