
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It is not good to keep quiet when there are people around in the society facing hardships.

Today we bid farewell to the year gone by and welcome the new year. We pray that the new spring should confer on all beings longevity, health and goodness. Pleasant experiences and unpleasant memories of the previous year that linger in the mind, contain many good lessons. When one reviews the past year within oneself, one can realise how much time was spent selfishly and how much in service. It is not good to keep quiet when there are people around in the society facing hardships. If need be, you should give up japa and sadhana (Spiritual practices), and uplift such people through service and sacrifice. You should feel that Jana Seva is Janaardhana Seva (service to people is service to God).Those who seek the joy of liberation should burn selfishness in the fire of jnana (spiritual wisdom). 

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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