
Friday, January 25, 2013

Thought for the Day

The Lord’s Grace is like rain - pure water, falling equally and consistently everywhere. However, the same rainwater’s taste gets changed according to the soil through which it flows, and the container which holds it. So also, the Lord’s words are sweet to some, bitter to others. The Lord’s ways are mysterious. You do not know the real reasons behind the actions of the Lord. You cannot understand the motives of another man who like you has intentions, likes and dislikes. But yet, how easily you decide the motives of One who is far above your level! How glibly you talk and judge something that is as strange to you, as atmosphere is to a fish! All you must remember is that God is your eternal companion and watchman – Live with this steady faith in Him, adore Him, and seek His ever comforting creative presence always.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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