
Friday, January 4, 2013

Thought for the Day

Each heart is a Dharmakshethra (a warfield of righteousness), where there is a constant battle between the forces of good and evil. Why, the whole world is a Dharmakshethra. Hence it is very essential that every single child and mother, each and every one of you be devoted to Dharma (righteousness). The holy Bhagavad Gita begins with the word, ‘Dharmakshethrae’ and in the final chapter appears the phrase “Sarva Dharman Parithyajya”, meaning ‘give up all Dharma’. The significance of this is that through Dharma, you have to transcend Dharma. What is needed is the steadfast practice of righteousness. Scholarship and wealth are often burdens, they are indeed a handicap. Practice alone counts in spiritual matters.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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