
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thought for the Day

First, have unshakeable faith that can stand the ridicule of the ignorant, worldly and the low-minded. When someone ridicules you, reflect within yourself - Are they ridiculing my body or soul? If they are ridiculing my body, they are helping me develop detachment! Ridiculing the soul is impossible, for, the Atma is beyond praise or blame, words or thoughts. Then repeat to yourself, “I am the Eternal Self, Pure and Immovable (Nirmala, Nischala) and so I must transcend this feeling.” Secondly, do not worry about ups and downs, loss or gain, joy or grief. You are the creator of your own destiny. You crave for something - when you get it, you feel joyful! If you don’t get it, you are in despair. Cut the craving off, and there will be no more swings between joy and grief. Finally, be convinced in the Omnipresence of Divinity.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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