
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Thought for the Day

When the Asuras and Devas (Demons and Gods) churned the Ocean of Milk (Ksheera Sagara), first came poison. They did not give up the churning till they got the Amrit (nectar of immortality). Regard your heart as the Ocean of Milk and the intellect as the Mandharamountain. Using your yearnings as the churning ropes, carry on the churning by reciting the Lord's name. Do not mind if the first thing to come out is poison. Go on churning till you get the nectar of divine bliss. When you study the Bhagavad Gita, you will note that it begins with Arjuna Vishaadha Yoga, the (the despondency of Arjuna). But ultimately, Arjuna experiences theVishvaruupa, the Cosmic Form of the Lord.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, May 30, 2014

Thought for the Day

You spend a lot of time on useless, momentary, temporary and worldly activities. Are you spending even a second of it for God? It is sufficient even if you concentrate for one second truly on the Lotus feet of Lord Krishna. If someone is given a Shiva Lingam, they have difficulty in worshipping it with Abhishekam (holy prayerful bath). But they have time to clean their shoes or other objects with utmost care and interest. They struggle to find time to perform Abhishekamwith a spoon of water. It is not that they don’t have time and the process is tedious. They lack interest. People are more interested in worldly activities. You lack interest in something that is pure. Only because of lack of purity, you are losing the power of discrimination. ‘Shraddhavan Labhate Jnanam’ – only out of deep interest can one acquire wisdom. Hence we must develop interest in spiritual subjects.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, May 29, 2014

மனசாட்சியே தெய்வம்

மனிதன் தன்னைக் கடவுளின் குழந்தையாக நினைத்துக் கொண்டால், வாழ்வில் தொல்லைகள் மறைவதுடன், நன்மையும் ஏற்படும்.
மனதில் இறைவனை நினைத்து அறிவு விளக்கேற்றி வைத்திருப்பவர்களின் மனதில் அற்பமான எண்ணங்கள் புகுவதில்லை.
குழந்தையிடம் குற்றம் காணாமல் குணத்தைக் காண்பவள் தாய். அந்தத் தாயின் உள்ளத்தை அறிபவன், கடவுளின் கருணையை அறிபவனாகிறான்.
நல்ல மனதுக்கு நல்லதாகவும், கெட்ட மனதுக்கு கெட்டதாகவும், தெய்வீக மனதுக்குத் தெய்வக் காட்சியாகவும் இந்த உலகம் தென்படுகிறது.
மனித உள்ளத்தில் தெய்வம் மனசாட்சியாய் உள்ளது. அதைச் சுட்டிக்காட்டவோ, உதாசீனப்படுத்தவோ நம்மால் முடியாது.
வாழ்வில் கடந்த பகுதி கனவாகப் போய் விட்டது. எஞ்சியிருக்கும் நாட்களும் கனவாகவே போய் விடும். இந்த உண்மையை உணர்ந்து, இறைவனிடம் உலக வாழ்வு நிலையானது என்று நினைக்கும் அறியாமையை அகற்ற பிரார்த்திப்போம்.

Thought for the Day

One should realise the infinite powers latent in oneself. It is these powers which have enabled mankind to invent the most wonderful kinds of machinery. Humans are, therefore, more valuable than the most precious things in the world. It is human beings who imparts value to things by the changes they make in them, as in the case of diamonds or a work of art. In the spiritual field, humans are enjoined at the very outset to know oneself. One should not be a slave of the senses. Nor should one follow others like sheep. ‘Be a ship and not sheep.’ A ship serves to carry others and cross the Ocean. The one who pursues the spiritual path not only benefits himself but promotes the well-being of others. Consider the body as a vessel, wisdom as a rope 'and use the vessel to draw the nectar of Divinity from the well of spirituality. Not otherwise can immortality be attained.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

கோயில் மற்றும் வீடுகளில் செய்யக்கூடாதவைகள்:-

1. புண்ணிய தீர்த்தங்களில் வந்தவுடன் காலை வைக்கக்கூடாது. முதலில் நீரை தலையில் தெளித்துக் கொண்டு கால் அலம்ப வேண்டும். குளத்தில் கல்லைப் போடக்கூடாது.
2. பூஜை வேளையில் தீபத்தை ஆடவர்கள் அணைக்கக் கூடாது. பூசணிக்காயை பெண்கள் உடைக்கக் கூடாது.
3. கோயிலை வேகமாக வலம் வருதல் கூடாது.
4. எவருடனும் வீண் வார்த்தைகள் கோயிலில் வைத்து பேசக்கூடாது.
5. தாம்பூலம் தரித்துக் கொண்டு கோயிலுக்குள் செல்லக்கூடாது.
6. மூர்த்தகளைத் தொடுதலோ, மூர்த்திகளின் திருவடிக்கருகில் கற்பூரம் ஏற்றுதல் கூடாது.
7. சுவாமிக்கு நிவேதனம் ஆகும் போது பார்த்தல் கூடாது.
8. வஸ்திரத்தை போர்த்திக் கொண்டு ஜபம், பிரதக்ஷிணம், நமஸ்காரம், பூஜை, ஹோமம் செய்யக்கூடாது.
9. பசுவிற்கும், அந்தணருக்கும் நடுவிலும், அந்தணர் அக்னியின் நடுவிலும், தம்பதிகளின் நடுவிலும், தேவதைகள் பலிபீடத்திற்கு நடுவிலும், குரு சிஷ்யரின் நடுவிலும், லிங்கத்திற்கும் நந்திக்கும் நடுவிலும் செல்லக்கூடாது
10. இரவில் துணி துவைக்கக் கூடாது. குப்பையை வெளியே கொட்டக் கூடாது. மரத்தில் நிழலில் தங்கக் கூடாது. ரகசியமான விஷயத்தைப் பேசக் கூடாது.
11. அன்னம், உப்பு, நெய் இவைகளை கையால் பரிமாறக் கூடாது.
12. ஒரே சமயத்தில் தனது இரு கைகளாலும் தன்னுடைய தலையை சொறியக்கூடாது.
13. ஆயுள், பொருள், வீட்டுத் தகராறு, மந்திரம், உடலுறவு, மருந்து, வருமானம், தானம், அவமானம் இந்த ஒன்பதும் பிறருக்குத் தெரியக்கூடாது.
14. சந்தியா கால வேளையில் சாப்பாடு, தூக்கம், உடலுறவு, அத்யயனம் இவைகள் செய்தல் கூடாது.
15. தீபாவளி தவிர மற்ற நாட்களில் அதிகாலைப் பொழுதில் எண்ணெய் தேய்த்துக் கொள்ளக்கூடாது.
16. இடது கையினால் நீர் அருந்தக்கூடாது...

Thought for the Day

Dharmaraja always had Bheema to his left and Arjuna to his right. What is the significance? Bheema is remembered as a person of physical strength. Arjuna is known for his purity and valour. Do not take it that Dharmaraja was merely surrounded by people with physical strength and valour. Dharmaraja was always upright in practicing right conduct and moral principles. Hence, Bhima too always obeyed him and never misused his physical strength anywhere. Arjuna personified purity and possessed various powers and capabilities. He also won the friendship of Lord Krishna and various honours from Indra and others. Unlike the present day honours awarded by various Governments, Arjuna wore purity and valour as his decorations. Because purity and valour were on either sides, righteousness prevailed during the rule of Dharmaraja or Yudishtra.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Thought for the Day

In the world today, knowledge falls into three categories. (1) In terms of daily life, there is factual knowledge based on perception. To treat facts as truth and fiction as untruth is practical knowledge. (2) In the second category are those who regard the phenomenal world as real and treat all that cannot be seen or heard as unreal or non-existent. They regard Nature as real and God as non-existent. (3) The third category consists of those who make no distinction between one thing and another and hold the view that the whole universe is a projection of the Divine and is permeated by the Divine. This is spiritual knowledge. Doubtless, knowledge of the phenomenal world is necessary. But one should go beyond it to know the Eternal and Unchanging Reality. Education is not the be-all and end-all of life; tt is only a part of it. Virtues are the backbone of life and spiritual path is the only means of cultivating it.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Monday, May 26, 2014

Thought for the Day

In the conflict between the Materialistic Path (Preyo Marg) and the Spiritual Path (Shreyo Marg), people are deluded into materialism and are ready to sacrifice their lives for sensory pleasure. Instead, should they not dedicate their lives for higher truth? The power of Shreyas can confer boundless bliss. Those who are after sensual pleasures will not readily listen to the words of others who advise them to give up their evil ways. On the contrary, they will try to drag them down to their level. Those who pursue the spiritual path benefit themselves and also promote the well-being of others. They are like the incense-stick that consumes itself in the process of spreading fragrance. Hence pursue Shreyo Marg and realise your inherent Divinity.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Thought or the Day

The basic cause for the occurrence of feelings like hatred, jealousy and anger is that your human body is constituted by the five elements. As long as the body remains, it will be subject to these emotions. For instance, the experience derived through the senses and the mind occurs when you are awake. When you are sleeping, they are not present. During your sleep, even the mind is absent; you are unconscious even of your breath. In the dream state, you are not even aware of the life process. It is clear that experiences in the dream state are real in that state. There are no dreams in the waking state and there are no perceptions of the waking state in the dream state. In both situations the ‘I’ is the same, only the states are different. Hence reality or Truth is that ‘I’ (Divine Soul) which remains in all the states, and in past, present and future.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Youngsters feel that they need more freedom, and they dislike sense control. They think that they should be able to go where they like and live as they please, without any restrictions. Birds and animals enjoy such freedom. There is no rule whatsoever for monkeys and dogs. They wander where they want and do what they please whenever they wish. What is the specialty of human beings? A human being is one who understands what ‘Sveccha’ truly means (generally translated as ‘One’s will’). Sva (Self) +Ichcha (Desires or thoughts) = Sveccha. Living with thoughts relating to the Divine Self (Atma) is Sweccha. Following the demands of the body is not Sweccha. After discriminating good and bad, and right and wrong, you must exercise control over the body, observe the thoughts enter tained by the mind and follow that which gives satisfaction to your Divine Nature. That is true freedom.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, May 23, 2014

Thought for the Day

Desires are a source of pleasure for man, but they are also the cause of grief. The mind has to be brought under control. Even thousands of men cannot hold back a fast-moving train. But the train comes to a stop the moment brake is applied. The same applies to the vagaries of the mind. When the mind is controlled, all sorrows cease. The Divine Atma, which dwells in the heart of every human being, is not recognized because it is covered by the clouds of desire. The splendour of the sun is revealed when a wind drives away the clouds that hide the sun. Likewise, when the wind of love blows away the clouds of desire in the heart, the ego (‘I’ ness) and possessiveness (sense of ‘mine’) are driven out and the effulgence of the Atma within is revealed in all its glory.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

All human activities must be undertaken with the sole aim of pleasing God. To attain such exalted heights, you must acquire true spiritual knowledge. Spiritual wisdom aids in subduing the senses. Ravana learnt 64 disciplines of education and was an expert in many fields. However he has been labeled foolish and ignorant. Why? He was a slave to the senses. Rama, though learnt only 32 disciplines, subdued His senses and hence is exalted even today. Learning from this, all educated people must realize that a truly knowledgeable person is one who gained control over their senses. People who accomplished this significant inner victory are excellent examples portraying clearly the element of devotion.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Today 90% of our population is involved in sensual desires. These days, education also is mainly concerned with sensory pursuits. Most efforts are related to the attainment of sensual desires and almost all enjoyments are related to the senses. The acquisition of wealth also is for enjoying trivial sensual pleasures. Thus all efforts are directed to acquire pleasure of the body, the mind and the senses (Preyas). There is no doubt that there is a need for some concern about physical comforts. We must discharge our family responsibilities and serve the society, leveraging our human body. However this should not be the ultimate goal of life. Together with these, there must be a deeper yearning for a higher, qualitative spiritual life,Shreyas. When we yearn for Shreyas, even Preyas gets fulfilled.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

A young woman today aspires to be a good wife but not an exemplary mother. A student today does not aspire to be an exemplary father, but an attractive husband. Adding to this woe, parents today encourage such education which promotes these aspirations. Youngsters also forget their responsibilities to be discharged as exemplary parents. A typical father in today’s society does not want his son, above all, to be a man of virtue. He wants him to be a man of great education. Those parents alone, who aspire for transforming their children to be men and women of virtue, are worthy. Worldly education alone should not be the goal of life. Virtues are the true backbone of life. Education must be for life, not merely for a living. To accomplish this, spiritual thoughts and spiritual path is highly essential.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

You hear some good news and a little later, you hear some sad news. Sometime after that you hear harsh and abusive words. Your ears heard all words of praise and blame alike. But when happy news was told, your heart felt elated, and it shrunk when sad news was heard. The same heart got enraged when the ears heard harsh words and was filled with joy when it heard words of praise! The ears by themselves are incapable of any reaction; they merely transmit the message. Thus the senses by themselves are not conscious, they are inconscient (Jada). Then how can the operations of these senses and the experiences resulting from them be deemed as Truth or Reality (Sathya)? Understand clearly that as the senses are unreliable, the reactions produced by them are also equally unreliable. If you enquire along these lines, you will develop discrimination and can easily overcome sorrow.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

All of you have two desires – Shreyas and Preyas. People are attracted by all kinds of objects in the world. People seek only those that will please the senses. Deriving pleasure from time to time through sense organs is described as PreyasPreyas is not enduring, it is like a mirage. Sensuous pleasures are momentary and leave a trail of pain behind. However, from the learned to the illiterate, most people seek only such fleeting and unreal pleasures. Indulgence in sensual pleasures lead to bad practices and wrong conduct. You must graduate from Preyas toShreyasShreyas means overcoming the demands of the senses and achieving spiritual bliss. All actions connected to the soul are related toShreyas, while Preyas is related to the body.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

A true devotee would never get disgusted at any point of time, nor get bored, tired or vexed listening to the same teachings. You may perhaps be hearing the same message over and over again from Bhagawan! How do you rationalize this? Don’t you take food repeatedly for the same stomach, several times during your lifetime? Don’t you wash the same face many times in a week? That music, which you consider as pleasurable, don’t you listen to it, many times frequently? Consider an even simpler example: you drink coffee or tea – have you ever got bored of it, despite consuming it for 15 or 20 years? You perhaps wait for that cup with excitement and enthusiasm, and will even get a headache if it is delayed by a couple of minutes! Similarly, it is essential to listen to such spiritual instructions, ruminate and experience the joy of devotion withou t the slightest feeling of disinterestedness.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

When you offer salutations to someone, understand that you are saluting your own self. That ‘someone’ is none other than your own reflection. See others just as you see your own reflection in the mirror. When you are surrounded by many mirrors, you see a number of reflections. Reflections are many but the person is one. Reactions, reflections, and resounds are many but the reality is one. Names and forms may be different, but all beings are part and parcel of the same Divine Principle. Divinity is the underlying principle in the apparent multiplicity of this world. When I am speaking here, My voice is heard through each and every loudspeaker in this hall. In the same manner there exists the principle of unity in our hearts which we have to recognise.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Thought for the Day

Buddha taught that we should not have anger, not find others’ faults, and also not harm others, because all are the embodiments of the pure and eternal principle of the Atma. Have compassion towards the poor and help them to the extent possible. You think those who do not have food to eat are poor people. You cannot call someone poor just because they do not have money or food to eat. Truly speaking, nobody is poor. All are rich, not poor. Those whom you consider as poor may not have money, but all are endowed with the wealth of a loving heart (hridaya). Understand and respect this underlying principle of unity and Divinity in all, and experience bliss. Do not have narrow considerations like ‘these are my friends, they are my enemies, those are my relations’ and so on. All are one, be alike to everyone. This is the most important
 teaching of Buddha.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Thought for the Day

The world is a mixture of good and bad, of right and wrong, joy and sorrow, victory and defeat. In a world replete with such opposites, you must constantly make the choice between what is right and proper, and what is wrong and undesirable. You must not let yourself be guided by the mind. You must follow the directions of the intelligence. As long as you follow the mind, you cannot attain the Divine. Youth often tend to go by the inclinations of the mind, neglecting their intelligence and consequently are subject to agitations and frustrations. Discrimination is a big help to avoid such situations. Ask yourself “I am a human being; how must I conduct myself in this situation such as to win the respect and regard of others?” and act in accordance. You will certainly find the right answers on what you should do and where you should go. Humility and disc rimination are the indexes of an educated person.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Dedication means offering to the Divine. When you offer flowers to God along with your salutation, it symbolizes offering of the flower of your heart. The flower of the heart is usually subjected to infestation by two evil creatures; they are Ego (Ahamkar) and Jealousy (Asuya). Ego is hard to conquer and arises from seven factors – Wealth, Physical Prowess, Birth, Scholarship, Beauty, Power and Penance. As long as Ahamkara is predominant, it is impossible to recognize the Divinity within. Ego is a great barrier between the individual and God, and must be totally demolished. All forms of pride (particularly that of wealth, scholarship and power) cause human failings and downfall, and hence must be given up totally. Only when egoistic pride is offered as a sacrifice at the altar of the Divine, you can discover your true divine nature.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Friday, May 16, 2014

Thought for the Day

The bookish knowledge that many feverishly acquire is relevant only for the day of the exam. As you enter your professions armed with this knowledge, you will soon discover that you only have superficial knowledge on any subject and your general knowledge is almost zero. Without general knowledge and practical wisdom, you cannot discriminate. World today needs practical knowledge. Water is formed from two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen. You can prove this in the laboratory. But when you sit for lunch, do you mix two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen to drink water? By sipping just a drop, you can even comment on the purity of the water and its taste. Thus discrimination and general knowledge is very essential to make sure your daily life and behavior does not have any lapses. You must experience the enjoyable life in the right way at the right time.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thought for the Day

In the Solar System the Earth is a miniscule entity. Asia is small in comparison to the Earth. Within Asia, India is just one country and within India, the district of Anantapur is still smaller; and Prasanthi Nilayam within Anantapur is tinier in comparison. Within Prasanthi Nilayam, you perhaps stay in one room. Then, why should you have an ego that is bigger than the Universe in its totality? This is totally an act of delusion, arising from ignorance. In fact, a great scholar, devotee and role model on the path of spirituality from ancient yore, Bhartruhari stated, “Out of ignorance I behaved like an elephant in rut thinking that there is no one superior to me. Because of the Divine Vision of sages and their teachings, I learnt the truth. Just as a disease can be cured by taking appropriate medicine, the fickle mind can be subdued by the Darshan and the teachings of sages and scholars.”

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The fruit of love is present in each and every person’s life. The only task to be done to experience the fruit is to remove the outer skin. Once you peel the skin of the fruit, also remove the bitter seeds within it. Then you can extract the sweet juice, partake it and discard the pulp. Understand that God has given you this body only to relish the sweetness of Love. Peel away the skin of ego and ostentatiousness. Remove all the seeds of evil intentions, thoughts and deeds. Discard the pulp of possession and attachment. Then what remains is the sweet juice of love. All of you are farmers. You must engage in spiritual practices to cultivate your heart. Is there any use for an uncultivated land? Without wasting your life and keeping the land barren, focus on cultivating your heart to enjoy the sweetness of the Divine.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Thought for the Day

Buddha experienced the unity of all creation. There was total transformation in Him once He attained the vision ofekatma (oneness of the atma). He realised that all worldly relations were false. He transcended body consciousness. That is why he earned the appellationBuddha (the enlightened one). Man should use hisbuddhi (intellect) to understand this principle of unity.Buddhi is of two types: the buddhi that sees diversity in unity is worldly intelligence. You should developadhyatmic buddhi (spiritual intelligence) in order to realise the underlying unity of all creation. It gives you the experience of the atmic principle which is the same in the entire creation. Buddha attained the vision of the atma. Truly speaking, Buddha is not just one individual. All of you are Buddhas. You will see unity everywhere once you understand this truth.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

God is love and He is pleased with the pure hearted who love Him 100%. Make every effort to experience the indweller (Dehi) within the body (deha). The Dehi (Divine Soul) within you is immortal with no birth or death. Don’t forget that you are alive due to His Grace. You must necessarily do your bit to take care of your body without being attached to it. Always keep in view the Dehi within, connect with Him and discharge your duties. At the end of every day or every meeting, pray, “May all the beings in all the Worlds be happy” (Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavanthu). Realize that the individual peace depends on the peace of those around you. Therefore always pray for the wellbeing and peace of everyone in the Universe.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

When a machine can get rusted without proper use and neglect, will not the human body and mind get rusted if it is not well maintained? Where does the rust come from? Dust accumulates on the machine when it is not used. Then over time the dust gets converted into rust. Due to this rust, the machine loses all its efficiency and productivity. It then needs to be repaired and is so taken to the workshop. There, it is overhauled and then it returns to its best and becomes fully productive. What should you do to become the best you can be? You must remove the rust and dust in you! The rust and dust are the evil intentions and your wavering mind. Submit your body and mind to the Lord, and keep them in good working condition at all times. You will then become the best.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The wellbeing of countries and even the universe depends upon morality. Without morality, nations will be ruined. There may be many people who use education and influence to earn money, but truly great people have upheld the highest morality in their lives. You must be prepared to sacrifice. Sacrifice does not mean relinquishing your possessions. It means working really hard to earn a good name in the society you live in and bringing a good name to where you were raised. Your good name will last longer, and it will be eternal and permanent only with sacrifice. Scriptures explain the supremacy of sacrifice declaring, ‘sacrifice alone leads one to immortality’ (Tyagenaike Amrutathwa Manuashuhu).

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Thought for the Day

Say you are expecting a train, a public transport that is supposed to arrive at 5 o clock5. It is delayed by a few hours and doesn’t turn up until 8 or 9 pmp.How would you feel then? You first start to complain that the schedules of the trains and buses have no discipline and they don’t turn up on time. Then you start abusing the driver, the department, the government, and talk about it for a couple of days. When you complain so much about a delayed train or a bus which has no life, do you expect the world not abuse you, a conscious individual, when you do not adhere to your discipline, code of conduct and duty? All of you must understand the value of discipline and adhere to it consistently, and pass the test of discipline.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

To cultivate a piece of land, the farmer works really long and hard. First, he has to soften the entire piece of land. He must then plough it, sow the seeds and water it regularly. After that, the crop has to grow to a certain stage, and to aid that, he needs to use fertilizers and remove the weeds at regular intervals. Only after all this, will he be able to bring home the food grains. That is exactly what we have to do with our hearts too. The heart is like a piece of land to be cultivated, and we must cultivate it with utmost care and concern. It must be watered with the water of love. Using the plough of enquiry, you must plough it and sow the seed of the Name of God, and then guard it very vigilantly using the fence of caution and care. You must protect it with egolessness, then you will receive the fruit of love.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

People practice various forms of worship and rituals following their family tradition and culture. However they do not transform even a bit in spite of months and years of spiritual practice. Frustrated, they change the Name they are chanting, because they are tired of waiting for results. At times, people change not just the Name they chant, but also their religion. Know clearly that you cannot attain God’s Grace by changing the Name you chant or the religion. You must transform yourself. The dog in the home always recognizes its Master, no matter whether he or she wears a jogging dress, office uniform or party attire. It has no doubt about its Master, despite the dress worn. So too, you cannot convince God by merely changing your external appearance. You have to acquire virtues and conduct yourself righteously. Only the one who transforms the mind pleases the Lord and attains Divinity.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

In the present, people disregard moral values and have no gratitude to those who helped them in times of need. In fact many youth lead miserable lives; they have no consideration for their kith and kin and do not hesitate to inflict harm on them. Educated young men and women do not behave like cultured human beings. What is the value of an education which does not enable you to do your duty to your spouse and children? The first requisite to fix these evils is the elimination of the bad qualities within. You must return to the path of morality and right conduct, fear sin and love God. People appearing to be pious and god-loving without genuine good qualities, and exhibiting hypocritical behaviour is vitiating the atmosphere everywhere; its promoting disorder and confusion. Everyone should therefore embark upon getting rid of bad traits and implanting Divine quali ties. With love as your path realize the Divine within

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thought for the Day

It was to remind people in the villages to think of God that the ancients built temples which towered above all other buildings. The temple tower was the first thing the villagers saw when they woke up in the morning. The sight of the temple spire immediately aroused in them spontaneous feelings of adoration. It must be recognised that it was not a crazy feeling which inspired the ancients to build huge temples at great expense. These multi-storeyed temple towers were built so that they might constantly evoke sacred thoughts about God in the minds of the people. It has been said: "The body (deha) is like a temple for theDehi (indwelling eternal Spirit)." Just as a doctor reminds you of illness, and a lawyer makes you think of litigation, in the same manner when you look at your body you must remember God.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Thought for the Day

The Universe is a university in which everyone is a student. While you are free to choose any subject you like and acquire degrees in a regular college, in the spiritual field everyone must complete the basic course of the five special subjects and obtain the degree of Divine Love. They are described as the ‘5Ds’ - Dedication, Devotion, Discipline, Discrimination and Determination. Only those who have mastered the five ‘Ds’ are qualified to receive God’s Love. Devotion is not merely singing bhajans or performing puja. True devotion is free from selfishness of all sorts and must not be proclaimed or demonstrated. It is an expression of love from within. You must constantly and lovingly contemplate on God, worship Him and do penance for Him. Service to the Lord is the highest expression of devotion. There is nothing that is not attainable through loving service to the Divine.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Fire emerges when one wooden stick is rubbed against another. Can two sticks placed next to each other produce the fire? No. Fire though latent in them, emerges only through the act of rubbing of the sticks. What do these sticks symbolize? The sticks represent the human body. The fire of wisdom (jnana) is present in subtle form within us since our birth and is inert. Spiritual effort (Sadhana) is the process of rubbing the sticks. Where is the butter present in the milk? Butter has always been present in the milk and could be obtained only after the milk had been converted to curd and the curd was churned. Once butter is obtained from the buttermilk, it remains as butter without becoming milk. Likewise, in the human body, a divine power pervades every part of the body, which, after the experience of a Sakshatkar (vision of the Divine) will not be attached to the body.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Abraham Lincoln learnt to speak truth and conduct himself with self-respect and dignity, unafraid of his financial position, from the lap of his mother. When little Abraham shared with his mother that he was disrespected and felt ashamed in the midst of his friends for wearing old and shabby clothes, she told him that he need not feel so. She counselled him that poverty, though viewed in poor light by others, will eventually help him gain respect. Lincoln later in his life declared, “You may disrespect me, but truth cannot be disrespected. It will emerge triumphant!” He proceeded on the path of truth and self-confidence taught by his mother and became the President of the United States of America. In fact, anyone who has the blessing of their mother will emerge very successful.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Satya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

There can be no joy in a dry, barren heart. Divine Love alone can make a dry heart fit for the sprouting of the sapling of joy. Divine Love is free from self-interest. That love alone is sacred and divine which is based on complete obliviousness to one's self and is solely concerned with the yearning for God. Only when such a precious diamond of love is shining in your heart, you will have sacred and divine thoughts. In ancient days, sages lived in the forests amidst wild animals and performed penance. How were they able to live in peace amongst these animals? Because they were filled with divine love, they extended that love to the wild beasts also. They had no lethal weapons with them, only the weapon of love, which transformed even the nature of the wild animals. Therefore fill your hearts with love.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Thought for the Day

Do not indulge in arguments and disputations; one who clamours aloud has not grasped the Truth, believe Me! Silence is the only language of the realised. Practice moderation in speech; that will help you in many ways. It will develop Prema, for most misunderstandings and factions arise out of carelessly spoken words. When the foot slips, the wound can be healed; but when the tongue slips, the wound it causes in the heart of another will fester for life. The tongue is liable to four big errors: uttering falsehood, scandalising, finding fault with others and excessive talk. These must be avoided if there must be peace for the individual and society. The bond of brotherhood will be tightened if people speak less and speak sweet. That is why silence (mounam) was prescribed as a vow for spiritual aspirants by scriptures. As spiritual aspirants in various stages of the road, this discipline will be very valuable for you.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

There are many who observe My actions and start declaring that My nature is such and such. They are unable to gauge the sanctity, the majesty and the eternal reality that is Me. The power of Sai is limitless; it manifests forever. All forms of 'power' are resident in this Sai palm. But, those who profess to have understood Me, the wise, the Yogis (spiritually advanced persons), the Pandits (scholars), and the Jnanis (liberated persons) - all of them are aware only of the least important, the casual, external manifestation of an infinitesimal part of that power, namely, the ‘miracles’! My power is immeasurable; My truth is inexplicable, unfathomable. What I will, must take place; what I plan must succeed. I am Truth; and Truth has no need to hesitate, or fear, or bend. I am announcing this about Me, for, the need has arisen.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the day

God has gifted to every one of you the expensive and precious heart. It is enough if there is even a little bit of pure, untainted eternal and selfless love in your heart. If you have the slightest gratitude for having the gift of life it is sufficient to redeem your life. Hearts devoid of love and gratitude are indeed barren. Aspire to cultivate this valuable and precious gift of the heart. Many pray, “Oh God, give me the energy and capability to experience Divinity and live in accordance with your command”. You pray, thinking that you do not have that strength. This is incorrect. Each and every one of you are already bestowed with that strength! You do not need anything more. You are unable to appreciate it because your vision is not focused on that. You must search and enquire within you as to what your aspirations and goals are. Then sincerely wor k towards experiencing it.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Once a friend asked the famous sculptor from Italy, Michelangelo, "Why are you working so hard, chiselling this large piece of rock? Why don't you go home and take some rest?" Michelangelo replied: "I am trying to release the Divine that is in the rock. I wish to bring out of this lifeless stone the living Divinity that is embedded in it." If a sculptor could create from an inanimate stone a living Image of God, cannot human beings vibrant with life manifest the living Divinity that resides within them? What is the reason for this incapacity to realise the Divinity within? It is because we do not realise the soiled cover in which it is wrapped up. If our clothes get dirty, we change them because we are ashamed to appear in unclean garments. If our house is shabby, we try to clean it. But when our minds and hearts are polluted, we do not feel a shamed! To purify our hearts and minds, the first thing we have to do is to lead a righteous life. Our actions must be based on morality.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The Gita advises that service to the society (Sangha) is the highest service (Seva), as well as the most beneficial spiritual discipline (Sadhana). No one can run away from this obligation; you have to use the community wherein you are born for sublimating your ego and saving yourself. Service taken up as a Sadhana teaches fortitude (Sahana). That is why Krishna directed Arjuna to engage in battle to win back his share of the Kingdom, and ensure for the people righteous administration and an atmosphere wherein they can strive successfully to attain salvation. This he had to do in a spirit of dedication and surrender to the will of God, irrespective of his own likes and dislikes, and the consequences that might flow from his unselfish activities. Even Avatars (incarnations) demonstrate in their lives the supreme importance of Seva.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Humility alone makes you deserving and affluent, and eventually helps you attain Divinity. You must also, always respect and revere your parents and consider the education and all the facilities they have provided as their gift to you. Many parents suffer a great deal of stress and strain to provide these to you. At times, they may even fast to pay your fees and bills. Scriptures clearly declare, ‘Mother is God, Father is God, Teacher is God, Guests are Divine, Teacher is Divine (Mathru Devo Bhava, Pithru Devo Bhava, Athithi Devo Bhava, andAcharya Devo Bhava). Your good character will be understood only when you are humble and respect your parents. Many people have lived these values in an exalted manner. Those with humility and obedience to parents will achieve great success in all spheres of life.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

A man who had four wives happened to go to Mumbai on some work. From there, he wrote to all of them that he was prepared to bring home whatever each of them wanted. The first wife asked for some nice tonics for her health, as well as rugs and woollen clothing to be of service whenever she fell ill. The second wife wanted some sarees of the latest style, jewellery of the Mumbai type and such other sundry decorative stuff. The third asked him to select for her some religious books like the Jnaneshwari, abhangs, etc. available in Mumbai book-shops, as well as pictures of Pandharinath, Bhavani and Sai Baba. The fourth wife had no list at all; she simply wrote, "If you return soon and safe, that is enough for me." The others got big packets containing whatever they had asked for, but the last one got his love. God gives you whatever you pray for; so think well and discriminate clearly before you pray and ask.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Thought for the Day

The first prerequisite for leading a spiritual life is Faith. Your faith must stand ridicule of the ignorant, caviling by the worldly, and laughter of the low-minded. When someone ridicules, ask yourself, ‘Are they ridiculing my body? Well, that’s fine, for, I need to escape this body attachment anyway. Are they ridiculing theAtma? That is impossible, for the Atma is beyond words or thoughts, unaffected by praise or blame.’ Second: Do not worry about ups and downs, loss or gain, or joy or grief. You yourself create the ups and downs, therefore you can straighten them as well. You crave for a thing and when you get it, you call it joy; when you don't, you call it grief. Cut off craving, and there will be no more swinging from joy to grief. Third: Rationalise and be convinced of the truth that All is Divine (Sarvam Brahmamaya m). Fourth and final: Be always steady in spiritual practice until you reach the goal.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

The first prerequisite for leading a spiritual life is Faith. Your faith must stand ridicule of the ignorant, caviling by the worldly, and laughter of the low-minded. When someone ridicules, ask yourself, ‘Are they ridiculing my body? Well, that’s fine, for, I need to escape this body attachment anyway. Are they ridiculing theAtma? That is impossible, for the Atma is beyond words or thoughts, unaffected by praise or blame.’ Second: Do not worry about ups and downs, loss or gain, or joy or grief. You yourself create the ups and downs, therefore you can straighten them as well. You crave for a thing and when you get it, you call it joy; when you don't, you call it grief. Cut off craving, and there will be no more swinging from joy to grief. Third: Rationalise and be convinced of the truth that All is Divine (Sarvam Brahmamaya m). Fourth and final: Be always steady in spiritual practice until you reach the goal.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Thought for the Day

Educare guides a person to be humble, it grants a sense of discrimination endowed with wisdom. Why should anyone feel proud in being educated? Ultimately isn’t what he or she has attained a fraction of all learning? Never be egoistic of the knowledge you have acquired. Education is true, only when you direct it to render service to the society. Humility must be the crest jewel ornament of an educated person; it is truly the essence of education. It must reflect in our daily conduct and behavior, and should not be simply limited to occasional verbal expressions. People with humility, and obedience to parents and elders will achieve great success in their lives. Through your own words and actions, you must manifest the latent values by engaging yourselves in appropriate acts.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba