
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Thought for the Day

Buddha experienced the unity of all creation. There was total transformation in Him once He attained the vision ofekatma (oneness of the atma). He realised that all worldly relations were false. He transcended body consciousness. That is why he earned the appellationBuddha (the enlightened one). Man should use hisbuddhi (intellect) to understand this principle of unity.Buddhi is of two types: the buddhi that sees diversity in unity is worldly intelligence. You should developadhyatmic buddhi (spiritual intelligence) in order to realise the underlying unity of all creation. It gives you the experience of the atmic principle which is the same in the entire creation. Buddha attained the vision of the atma. Truly speaking, Buddha is not just one individual. All of you are Buddhas. You will see unity everywhere once you understand this truth.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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