
Friday, May 23, 2014

Thought for the Day

All of you have two desires – Shreyas and Preyas. People are attracted by all kinds of objects in the world. People seek only those that will please the senses. Deriving pleasure from time to time through sense organs is described as PreyasPreyas is not enduring, it is like a mirage. Sensuous pleasures are momentary and leave a trail of pain behind. However, from the learned to the illiterate, most people seek only such fleeting and unreal pleasures. Indulgence in sensual pleasures lead to bad practices and wrong conduct. You must graduate from Preyas toShreyasShreyas means overcoming the demands of the senses and achieving spiritual bliss. All actions connected to the soul are related toShreyas, while Preyas is related to the body.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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