A flower has many petals. These petals appear distinct from each other. But all petals have emerged from the same single stem. The stem is the seat of the Atma, from which the petals have emanated. But we view the flower as a single object. The flower is one, but the petals are many. Same analogy is applicable to the endless number of waves arising on the ocean. The waves are many and distinct. But they are of the same stuff as the ocean. From the waves arises the foam, which has the same properties as the waves and the ocean though different in form and name. All the three are based on the ocean. This is the logical basis forAdvaita (philosophy of non-dualism). The Atma is the basis for everything. Ignoring this truth people pursue the myriad ephemeral objects of the phenomenal world, but ultimately all come to a realisation of the Atmic Principle.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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