Lord Krishna in the Gita says, “You are all part of My Divinity. Hence you should follow Me. My love is divine and sacred. So is yours!” (Mamaivamso jeevaloke jeevabhutah sanatanah). If you truly follow this principle, you will automatically achieve purity. Where there is purity, there is Divinity. Since time immemorial, each and every one of you are part of Me; you are My very own. Never forget this truth. If you develop faith in this truth, it will amount to reading all the scriptures. Every human being followsDharma (Righteousness). Where did this Dharma come from? It has come from feeling (bhava), which in turn emanated from faith(vishwas). Where faith is, there Dharma is! That faith is Truth.Dharma is verily the embodiment of Divinity. Truth is God; Faith is God; Love is God; Live in Love. Only when you cultivate Truth, Faith and Love, you can achieve anything.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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