
Friday, May 15, 2015

Close your mouths and open your hearts. You will certainly experience Divine Bliss.

Every living being starts on food and yearns slowly to reach the peak of spiritual bliss. Let all your efforts and undertakings be directed to the acquisition of spiritual bliss. The Taithiriya Upanishad clearly elucidates spiritual bliss as the urge for birth, growth, decay, and death. It calls out that all are born in spiritual bliss, will live for it, and will die in order to attain it. However how canBrahman be spiritual bliss (ananda)? Scriptures clarify, ‘Om ithyekaaksharam Brahman - Om, the one imperishable letter is Brahman.’ It is also said,Atma (Divine Self in individual) is Brahman(Divine). Therefore the three terms Atma, Brahman, and Om are all indistinguishably the same. The Scriptures (Brahma Sutras) reveal that the outer universe, which has Divine (Brahman) as the base and the inner universe are identical and cannot be differentiated.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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