
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Thought for the Day

There are three aspects in human beings called Mala, Vikshepa and Avarana. Of these, Mala represents the fruits of actions done in previous births and is the cause of ashanthi (mental disquiet). Until you eliminate this, it will give rise to trouble and sorrow. When you get rid of the burden of the evil effects of karma or past action, you can attain peace. To get rid of Mala, you must engage yourself in sacred tasks. The Lord judges you by the sincerity of your thoughts, not by the forms of your worship. The Lord sees your devotion (bhakthi) and not your power (shakti). He cares for your qualities (gunas) and not your caste, creed or lineage (kula). He looks at your heart (chittam) and not at your wealth (vittham).You must strive to purify your heart and engage yourself in righteous action, with devotion and integrity. No spiritual discipline (sadhana) will serve its purpose if you are involved in sinful deeds.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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