
Monday, May 4, 2015

Thought for the Day

People are so deeply involved in their lives that sometimes the span of 24 hours appears too short for a day. Drinking, eating, reading, walking, sitting, hating, dreaming, boasting, praising, weeping, laughing, craving, hoping — these fill up your day. All these activities are intimately attached to the mind. Thus your life is a collection of inborn desires (samskaras), which impacts your character. The events and activities that transpired in your life, both good and bad, that you may have forgotten through other subsequent events – did leave a residual trace of their consequences in your mind. When you try to recall the day’s events at bed-time, you remember a few – not everything. When such is the case with the happenings of a single day, what shall be said of the events in life of several months or years? When your end nears, you will remember only very few deep-rooted impressions. Hence, disciplined striving throughout the life is essential for a joyful consummation.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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