
Saturday, July 18, 2015

The primary duty for every being is to realize the divine potency within, which is the source of all faculties and talents.

Everyone is proud of their body, mind and intellect, forgetting the indwelling Atma, which is the real basis. The Atma has no birth or death. It is akin to the root of a tree, which sustains its branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. Atma is the basis on which the superstructure of life rests. Human life is noble, sacred and precious. Every human body is constituted by the five elements (Pancha Bhutas) and you are enclosed by the five sheaths (Pancha koshas) — food (Annamaya), life-force (Pranamaya), mind (Manomaya), intelligence (Vijnanamaya)and the sheath of Bliss (Anandamaya). While all other living species have only the first three sheaths, human beings alone have all the five. Hence, embodiments of Divine, it is everyone’s primary duty to strive and experience that Divine reality. The surest and easiest way is to begin every day with the feeling that you are very much a part of the Divine.

Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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