
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Thought or the Day

Avoid unnecessary and excessive association with all and sundry. People visit Puttaparthi from America, Japan, Germany, Russia, and so on leaving their parents and kith and kin. Why then should you cultivate new relationships? Keep your association with anyone to the barest minimum. Keep your mind pure. There is no need to indulge in chatter. Talk less, think or work more. Cultivate this habit. Unnecessary association with strangers may have undesirable consequences. To join bad company and come to grief is a self-wrought calamity. Genuine spiritual aspirants should be particularly careful in eschewing bad company. They should create an environment conducive to their spiritual progress and mental peace. That is the only thing Swami wants. Do not waste time. Do not give room for useless thoughts.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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