
Monday, July 20, 2015

Thought for the Day

People are engaged in exploring space but do not make the slightest effort to explore the Divine within. Of what use are experiments in space when there is no genuine cultivation of human qualities and the practice of basic virtues such as acting in reverence with the mother, the father and the preceptor? People today are living in human form but are filled with beastly qualities! Scriptures declare that people can attain immortality only by renunciation (tyaga) and not through actions, wealth or progeny. What must be renounced? Renounce your bad qualities. To manifest your inherent divine nature, cultivate love for God and fear of sin and adherence to right conduct (sangha niti). When you fear sin and love God, you cannot indulge in immoral acts, automatically ensuring morality in society. God can be known only by experience and not by experiments. Hence follow your chosen spiritual practices diligently and sincerely.

Bagavan Sri  Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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