
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Thought for the Day

Oblivious to the presence of the sacred Divine within, people embark on their quest for God. Avatars (incarnations) are of two kinds: Amsaavatar and Purnaavatar. All human beings areAmsaavatar (partial incarnation of the Divine). Mamaivaamso jeevaloke jeevabhutah sanatanah (In this world of living beings, it is a part of My Eternal Self that has become the Jiva, the individual soul), says Krishna in the Gita. These partial incarnations, caught up in Maya, develop egoism and possessiveness and lead worldly lives. However, the Purnaavatars (complete incarnations of the Divine), subduing and transcending Maya, manifest their full divinity to the world in their lives. The Purnaavatar may behave, according to the circumstances, as if subject to Maya, but in reality He is free from it at all times. But some, not understanding this truth owing to their own limitations, attribute wrong motives to His actions. In this they reflect their own feelings.

 Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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