Some clever people might have this doubt and raise a question: “Can we kill and injure in the name of the Lord, dedicating the act to Him?” Well, how can a person get the attitude of dedicating all activities to the Lord without at the same time being pure in thought, word, and deed? Love, equanimity, rectitude, nonviolence — these are the attendant virtues of the servant of the Lord. How can cruelty and callousness coexist with these virtues? To have selflessness, the spirit of self-sacrifice, and the spiritual eminence required for the dedicatory outlook, one must have first won the four characteristics of truth, peace, love and nonviolence (sathya, santhi, prema, ahimsa). Devoid of these four virtues no one can make any deed a worthy offering at His Feet.
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Bagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba
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